We look to prepare students for the following transition stages:
In Year 8 Transition to High School
In Year 9
- Choosing options for GCSE study
- PSHE Curriculum to support Option choice
In Year 10
- Opportunity for work experience
In Year 11
- Wolgarston Sixth Form
- Post 16 Apprenticeship
- College
- Other Post 16 providers
- Other local Sixth Forms
In Year 12 and 13 there is a range of support for university, apprenticeship and employment applicants through:
- University application through UCAS
- Tutor programme
- Support with aptitude and pre-admissions test.
- Opportunity for work experience (Year 12)
- Post 18 Apprenticeship application
- Access to university open days, masterclasses
- EPQ helps develop skills for higher education
- Charity and fundraising events encouraged
At Wolgarston, there is an independent Careers Advisor, provided by an external provider, who works alongside the careers lead.
We have good links with Stafford College who have supported with presentations on apprenticeships, college courses and regular bulletins on apprenticeship opportunities as well as a number of universities such as Keele.
Work Experience
During the Summer of 2022 about 95% of students in Year 12 and Year 10 went on Work Experience placements. This year work experience is calendared for Year 12 students from 26th to 30th June 2023 and Year 10 from 3rd to 7th July 2023.
We use the DfE supported Grofar work placement software to administer student’s applications, health and safety, support communication for any business offering a placement and feedback.
One of the best ways to support your child, is to have regular conversations with them and discuss their aspirations for the future. Sometimes the choices and options available can feel bewildering and overwhelming, but a conversation allows you to work together to identify some options.
Useful Links
Careers pilot – what are your child’s options? -
Getmyfirstjob parents support page
Labour Market Information Links – the latest career trends in our area
NOMIS – labour market information for Staffordshire
Staffordshire Council - labour market information 2022
Facts regarding Youth Employment
Links/Apps we use in school
Work Experience App: (log in details will be provided January of Y10) Careers information App: (Log in details will be provided in Summer Term Y9)
Free online careers talks: